
Showing posts with the label virus

Private Banks are the Target for TrickBot Trojan

Recent attacks associated with the TrickBot banking Trojan have been targeting private banks, and the threat is also sharpening its focus on business banking, IBM’s X-Force security team warns. Campaigns observed in the UK, Australia, and Germany were showing new redirection attacks focused on new brands, including private banks, private wealth management firms, investment banking, and a retirement insurance and annuity company. The Trojan also added some new brands to its list of targeted business banks, the security researchers say. TrickBot was initially observed in October last year, when Fidelis Cybersecurity researchers determined that the threat had a strong connection to the Dyre gang . Before the end of 2016, the new Trojan was observed in a series of attacks targeting banks in the UK and Australia , as well as in campaigns aimed at financial institutions in Asia . IBM has since  discovered that the malware is targeting 20 new private banking brands and eight building societi...