Google achieves first ever SHA-1 collision attack
Researcher unveiled on Thursday the first practical collision attack for cryptographic hash function SHA-1. SHA-1,Secure Hash Algorithm 1,is popular hashing function used in many websites. Google researchers and academics have today demonstrated it is possible – albeit with a lot of computing power – to produce two different documents that have the same SHA-1 hash signature. How is SHA-1 Used? One real-world example where SHA-1 may be used is when you're entering your password into a website's login page. Though it happens in the background without your knowledge, it may be the method a website uses to securely verify that your password is authentic. In this example, imagine you're trying to login to a website you often visit. Each time you request to log on, you're required to enter in your username and password. If the website uses the SHA-1 cryptographic hash function, it means your password is turned into a checksum after you enter it in. That checksum is then compa...